/BCO-DMO/15N2_Contamination/nitrate_reductases --assay eq 14-- Level 1

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# N and O isotope effects of nitrate reductases
# PI: Julie Granger (UConn)
# Version: 12 Aug 2015
assay  date       reductant           enzyme_form       bacteria            cells_lysed  growth_conditions  temp   
14     03202014   hydroquinone        cell_suspension   p._denitrificans    yes          anaerobic          20     
sample  NO3_corr  d15N   d15N_sd  d18O   d18O_sd  
14.0    246.1     24.1   0.3      19.2   0.0      
14.1    142.4     35.4   0.3      30.3   0.3      
14.2    87.8      45.7   5.2      40.9   5.3      
14.3    49.4      61.1   0.1      58.0   0.1